FLIP FLOPS! Even though there are many studies that show I will be experiencing horrible body problems later in life because of my flip flop wearing...I don't care. They are so darn comfortable and so darn easy that I can't give them up. If it means I will be in a wheelchair at 35...bring it on! I will be riding with my flip flops.
Now, this summer addiction comes on really before the "official" start of summer. Any time the temperature gets above 57 degrees...I am wearing flops. You see 57 rounds up to 60 and I think that 60 is a perfectly normal temperature to wear flip flops.

POP-ICE!! Seriously, have you guys eaten one of these this summer? You need to!
The best part about this addiction is that it is cheap! It cost about $3 for a box of a 100 of these things! They don't take up all your freezer space, because you just freeze the pops as you use them. They are best after they have been in the freezer only a couple hours and they are still a little slushy.
I love how clean this snack is. All the juice stays in the little pouch, so after you have enjoyed your ice, you get to suck up all the sweet juice! It is amazing. I am getting so tempted to have one just as I am writing this.
Go today to your local grocery store or wal-mart and buy these babies...you won't be disappointed!
My third addiction is the habit I want to kick...
MOVING! Yes, I have an addiction to moving. On July 1st, I will be indulging in this addiction once again and moving to a new apartment. This doesn't really qualify as a summer addiction as I have moved every 6 months over the last year and a half...This is one of those addictions that I desperately want to stop. I really dislike moving...it reminds me how much I hate having so much stuff. The only good thing about it is that it makes me get rid of clothes that I don't wear anymore and keepsakes that really aren't that keep-worthy.
Every time I get my boxes out to pack, I find stuff that I did not use the entire 6 months that I was in this place and that stuff goes to Good Will or gets chunk! It keeps me free of clutter that is for sure.
But even with those positives, I am ready to settle down so I don't have to keep taking my bed apart and moving all my furniture.
Recently, I was involved in a car accident and the cop looked at my drivers licence address and asked me how long I have lived here. I embarrassingly told him 5 years and he replied, "you should really get your address updated". I wanted to tell him, well once I find a house that I will live in for more than 6 months, I will get right on that. I can't imagine going to the DMV every 6 months, waiting in that long line, just to change my address. I think I hate going to the DMV more than I hate moving...
So those are my summer addictions. What are yours?!? I need to pick up a few more!
I am a flip flop a holic right a long with you sister and I am over 35, so you still have time before your back completely gives out, the hump on mine is not that noticeable yet!!!
Oh and pop ice is still somehow messy in my house, I think it is the company I keep...
You better not hate moving too much to help me in August. I will be staying at this residency for a LONG time.
I have a purse addiction. I can't resist a cute bag!!
Kathryn! I love helping other people move! I will be glad to help you in august. Thanks for the encouragement about the flip flops...that is what Titus 2 is all about! I love ya!
I think you will perfectly fine wearing flip-flops! I mean... look at the women in Malawi... the go around barefoot most of the time, and wear ratty old flip-flops the rest... they're doing fine (relatively).
Plus... I want to be able to wheelchair race you in a nursing home one day when we're both wearing flip-flops! That would be pretty tight!
Unfortunately, I'm one step away from being Jesus, so I don't have any addictive qualities (other than that crack and Vicodin problem I just kicked).
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